Sagi Blonder, Co Founder & CTOSeptember 10, 2020
Our news section is the home for our announcements, media coverage and upcoming events
ICL Dead Sea to fly Percepto’s multi-mission industrial drone-in-a-box over its site for inspections, safety…
PerceptoSeptember 2, 2020
Percepto’s Commercial Drones become the First to Parachute to Safety with Industry Compliant Feature
The landmark first drone-in-a-box to have an integral ASTM approved parachute sets a precedent for…
PerceptoAugust 17, 2020
Florida Power and Light is deploying Percepto’s Sparrow Drone for emergency response immediately after storms…
PerceptoJuly 21, 2020
Florida Power and Light (FPL) will deploy Percepto’s Sparrow drones in hurricane response, after Percepto’s…
AdminJuly 19, 2020
IllyJuly 15, 2020
Sagi Blonder, Co Founder & CTOJuly 13, 2020
Frost & Sullivan has recognized Percepto with the 2020 Global Enabling Technology Leadership Award.
PerceptoApril 30, 2020
Ariel Avitan, co-founder and chief commercial officer at Percepto, explains how autonomous drones can mitigate…
AdminApril 19, 2020
Percepto files for special permits overseas to allow clients to operate drones from their homes…
AdminMarch 26, 2020
Exclusive news coverage showing how Florida Power and Light uses Percepto’s autonomous Drone-In-A-Box solution to improve service…
AdminFebruary 20, 2020
Percepto CEO & Co-founder Dor Abuhasira was interviewed by Commercial UAV Expo and discussed Percepto’s…
AdminFebruary 18, 2020
Percepto Chief Commercial Officer and Co-founder, Ariel Avitan, was interviewed by Mining People Magazine and discussed…
AdminFebruary 4, 2020