ICL Dead Sea to fly Percepto’s multi-mission industrial drone-in-a-box over its site for
inspections, safety and security missions
Modi’in, Israel September 2nd 2020 – Percepto, the global market leader for autonomous industrial drone solutions, today announced that it has been given permission to fly Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLoS) at the ICL Dead Sea site in Israel. A waiver granted by the Civil Aviation Authority of Israel is enabling ICL Dead Sea – a leading global speciality potash, mineral and chemicals company – to extend its use of Percepto’s drone-in-a-box solution (DIB) to carry out inspection, safety and security missions at its operations at the Dead Sea site.
Many of Percepto’s customers have been the first to be granted similar waivers during the last few months including US utility provider Florida Power and Light as well as clients in Italy, South Korea and Australia.
Earlier this year, Percepto customer Florida Power and Light, a major power company, had been authorized by the FAA in the U.S. to fly Percepto’s drones BVLoS within a range of up to two miles. By moving from visual line of sight operations to BVLoS, organizations can realize the full potential of Percepto’s DIB solution.
“ICL Dead Sea is proud to be the first Israeli company to benefit from this kind of waiver which enables us to monitor and secure our site in the most efficient and safe way possible. It is part of our commitment to integrate the latest technologies into our business and then deploy these innovations internationally for the most streamlined and cost efficient business practices.” Said Shay Hen, ICL Dead Sea Drone Program Manager.
With no pilot or outside observer required to maintain line of sight, a single operator, located in the control room can easily manage and monitor pre-scheduled fully autonomous drone missions. These missions include routine maintenance and thorough inspections of infrastructure, equipment, site and environment for anomaly detection, analysis of trends, and insight-led business decision-making. The same drones can also be utilized for highly detailed mapping, modeling and measurement, perimeter security patrols and observing exclusion zones, making them a truly multi-mission asset to an organization.
CEO of Percepto, Dor Abuhasira, states: “The ability to fly autonomous drones BVLoS enables organizations to increase the frequency of their inspections, especially in remote, vast and inhospitable environments. A single operator can manage a wide and diverse range of missions using one familiar secure online interface, from anywhere.” This has become a pertinent issue as the COVID-19 pandemic continues as Dor explains: “If travel restrictions or ill-health prevents workers who carry out inspections from being on site, it can quickly impact productivity, safety and security. Percepto drones can ensure essential inspection works continue uninterrupted around the clock.”
About Percepto
Percepto is a leading provider of autonomous drone-in-a-box solutions for monitoring and securing critical infrastructure and industrial sites. Our advanced, AI-based software provides real-time insights, aiding our customers to assess risk, minimize downtime, drive efficiency and reduce operational costs without having an operator on site. Tested in all weather conditions, it is the most rugged platform available today.
Percepto is the most deployed drone-in-a-box solution in the market with Fortune 500 customers in more than 10 countries.
URL: www.percepto.co
Media Contact
Judith Arkush
Silicon Valley Communications